ABOUT Me – I was born in the vicinity of a Buddhist Temple, Heritage.

I created a video of the Hanging Temple, that includes the story of the temple how it was built into the edge of a cliff.

In this video I also share my personal story when I lived in china. I am European not Chinese in case you are wondering.

In this video I've included one of the healing chants as background music. The sound of it often prepares the reader to feel the words rather than just read them.

One of my pleasure experiences is described below;

 “My lover reached for me, I was overwhelmed with such ecstasy that my body trembled and it continued to do so, as if I was part of the entire universe of orgasms. He had not even touched me, yet it felt as if he did, I could feel his touch. His hand was at least 200 centimeters from my body, we were both dressed, having breakfast overlooking the river."

This energy then reached him and he too began to pulse.

Imagine connecting with the pulse of the earth. This feeling of the pulse of the earth continued for what seemed like forever, 1/2 hour at first, then subsiding a little continuing for 1hr, or 2 hrs, it did not matter, we were in a place one could not even dream of. There was no time everything stopped for our pleasure everything and everyone co-operated with the pleasure. This vibration that was incredibly strong and so real;

that my solid timber chair began to move, then the furniture between us seemed to disappear, there was nothing but our pleasure.

  • then it subsided to a very pleasurable pulse
  • that continued for hours,
  • this my partner also felt,
  • we were bathing in pure ecstasy for hours,
  • the time stopped,
  • There was just he and I on this planet.
  • You too can experience these feelings. 

This experience no one had every spoken about, when I felt this experience I searched the world for true masters who went beyond technique. Having been in the healing field for some time, I knew that the Tantra schools were missing the point.

I'm about to access the pleasure of your body in a way no one ever has before, therefore you really wish to know you. I support you in connecting with yourself to allow me to melt you into feelings you have never even dreamed possible. More about me what you must know before calling because

In my search for validation of the feelings that I and my partner felt, could not be explained by the westenized version of Tantra. Then I came across a teacher who taught us using the knowledge of American Indian Medicine Wheel. Indigenous cultures use dance trance to maintain the orgasmic vibrations.


Could you feel this connection in your first appointment? ABSOLUTELY!

We often judge from a perspective of what the rest of the world thinks and does. 

  • This Tantra massage will put you back in the centre of your life and use your new found energy and bliss to elevate,  harmonize your entire body and your life. 
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